Michael Jackson Sued For Failing To Rock With Bahraini Prince All Night

As Michael Jackson seeks the perfect patch of Virginia real estate upon which to mount his dream theme-park residence, Colonial Neverlandsburg, his recent past has already come back to haunt him: The Bahraini Prince who sponsored Jackson during his gender-confused time living in the Middle East is now suing Jackson. From Fox411:
Prince Abdullah graciously took Jackson and his family in after the 2005 child-molestation trial. He housed him, fed him, chauffeured him and even imported Jacko's friends to Bahrain for a special Christmas in 2005.
All the prince wanted in return was to make a CD and start a record company with Michael. Jackson agreed, as usual signed agreements he had no intention of keeping and then did no work. [...]
Now the prince is demanding in his lawsuit that Michael go to work for him as agreed. Abdullah expects Jackson to make his record and put it out so the prince can begin to recoup the millions he invested in Michael during their friendship.
It will be interesting to see if Jackson is forced by a Judge to reenter the studio with his Arab sponsor. Perhaps the court-ordered musical pairing will inspire a third career act, nudging the former pop superstar back onto the charts after he finally fulfills his end of the "I pamper you with fan-waving teenage servants, you help me cut that 'Abdullah Comes Alive' album I've always dreamed about"-bargain.