Britney's Bodyguard Latest Ambush Victim Of K-Fed Subpoena Spree

In their ongoing efforts to elicit sworn statements from the innermost elements of Britney Spears's entourage, K-Fed's lawyers have now followed up their subpoena of assistant Alli Sims—who for the past two days has been spotted around town waving a pair of tightly clenched fists and insisting to bewildered passersby how she "still hasn't touched it!"—with one served last night to her Director of Fumbled-Baby-Catching Services. From the report:
Britney Spears's bodyguard, Daimon Shippen, was served with a deposition subpoena related to the singer's ongoing custody battle with her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, a source confirms to PEOPLE.
The papers were delivered to Shippen late Monday night just as he got out of his parked car in Santa Monica, Calif.
No longer rocking the bold, '70s cop stash that first put him on the manny map, Shippen is merely the latest ambush victim of the K-Fed subpoena frenzy. We imagine it's only a matter of hours before 21-year-old music video extra Matt Salinas receives a manila envelope of his own, calling upon him to describe under oath the topless acts of tonsil-hockey depravity Spears participated in—though the aspiring featured player would probably offer up his excruciatingly detailed version of events without a court's mandate to do so.