'Idol' Contestant Goes Into Labor At Precise Moment She Needs Sympathetic Backstory

It's hard to believe that so soon after American Idol appointed its last karaoke superstar, the fame-making juggernaut is once again winding its way around the country, offering a generation of disenfranchised youth with a song in their heart a slim chance at escaping their dreary, service-sector lives. Such was the case with Dallas auditioner Antoria Gillon, who barreled through her one shot at greatness even after it became clear to judges that the very pregnant hopeful had gone into labor. From the Fox News report:
When she finally made it into the audition room, the ambitious performer admitted that her right hand was shaking as she grasped her bulging belly but continued to belt out tunes.
"I gave it my all through the contractions. They were back to back and getting harder and harder but I was more than willing to have my baby right there," Gillon said. "I wasn't leaving without my golden ticket to the next round."
After finally hearing that she was still in the running to be the next "American Idol," the young mom was taken to the Medical Center at Lancaster, where she gave birth to a healthy son — whom she named Jamil Labarron Idol McCowan.
Not only did Gillon manage to sing well enough to advance to the next round, but she also gamely weathered the sometimes blistering critiques of the judges—Randy Jackson found her cervical dilation to be "pitchy in spots, dawg," while Simon Cowell noted her water-breaking to be "absolutely ghastly,"—before finally collecting her golden ticket and rushing to the hospital, only to find herself barred from exit by the always-funny "other door" gag that has confounded so many past contestants.