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We're not entirely sure what keeps us watching On the Lot, Fox's ratings-challenged attempt at discovering Hollywood's Next Great Tranny-Victim Director. We doubt it's the contestants' short films, however, but rather the constant tension between host Adrianna Costa's plunging necklines and her rack's ability to remain securely in place. One Defamer operative on the Westside, meanwhile, recently discovered just how badly the show's finalists want our votes:

I came home from another crushing day at work to find this plea taped to the mailbox outside my Santa Monica apartment. I also saw another one at the local grocery store, only this time it was addressed to all of SM.

I didn't even know the show was still on, but I think I'll have to go out of my way to vote for someone else.

If Backseat Driving Test—Friedlander's puckish commentary on the folly of overzealous passenger-moms—wasn't deserving of the "$1,000,000 development deal with DreamWorks!" trumpeted on the inkjet-printed propaganda, there's always the one featuring fine work by Jerry O'Connell driving a truckload of furniture into a forest. As the aspirant has probably realized, with no one watching, all it would take is the residents of one apartment complex rising up in solidarity to prevent a dreary fate of living out one's failed reality show dreams behind the reception desk of a color correction lab.