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Wanna hear a funny story? Guy spends every day of the past three months combing the internets for every bit of Rupert Murdoch minutiae he can find, rising with the dawn to scrape the bottom of the barrel for a daily post of interest to only about seven people. Then, on the biggest two days of the story, when actual civilians are sort of interested in what's going on with the Wall Street Journal? He's trapped in jury duty! Could he be any more bitter? No. Will you have to hear about all about jury duty later? Probably! Life is just unfuckingfair. Anyway, here's the day in Murdoch, like you give a shit.

  • Some dude on that WSJ editorial independence panel has ties to News Corp. BFD, like that panel's worth anything anyway.
  • The Bancrofts got rolled by Rupert and their advisors. No shit! And good! Screw them!
  • "The News Corp and Dow Jones merger agreement barely mentions either of the companies. Instead, they are referred to as 'Ruby' (News Corp) and 'Diamond' (Dow Jones) throughout." Sure! We've been referring to them as "Fuckwad" (News Corp.) and "Droopy Nutsack" (Dow Jones) during the last few months. Either way!
  • Black people also have something to say about the deal! Good for them! Where the hell have they been for the last three months! We could have used this stuff then!
  • Gawker editor still SO INSANELY ANGRY about the way this whole thing played out. No link, but trust us on this one.