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I'm sure that for people at Red Herring, the troubled tech publication that has difficulty paying its bills, updating its masthead has long been the lowest priority. The list of staffers has seemed out of date every time I've checked. It has changed recently, I note — but not fast enough to track of the latest round of departures. Red Herring board members got an eyeful of the shrinking masthead when they arrived at the office last Friday and were greeted by a nearly empty newsroom. Even people still on payroll — whatever "payroll" means at the Herring — are often absent, ostensibly for "health reasons" (translation: job interviews). After the jump, a list of the fish who we hear have jumped out of the pond — or are trying to do so.

Recent departures no longer on the masthead:

  • Amy Coombs, Biosciences
  • Eydie Cubarrubia, Software, Open Source
  • Kamika Dunlap, Internet: mobile Internet, RH Video
  • Adena DeMonte, Fundings
  • Herbert Sample, Venture Capital, Finance

Recent departures still listed on the masthead:

  • Julie Chao, Senior Editor
  • Ryan Olson, Gaming

People still listed on the masthead with uncertain status:

  • Scott Morrison, Editor,
    We hear he's missed a lot of work recently.
  • Joel McCormick, Features Editor
    "Technically there."
  • Falguni Bhuta, Software, Open Source
    She's only been back in the office a couple of times since returning from leave, sources say.
  • Scott Martin, Venture Capital, Finance
    Also missing a lot of work recently.
  • Cassimir Medford, Telecom, Wireless
    May now be on freelance status — and it's not clear if he's getting paid.
  • Leah Messinger, Internet: social networking and general news
    May be leaving shortly.
  • Andrea Quong, Cleantech
    Looking for work, expected to leave soon.
  • Ken Schachter, Finance
    Also may be on freelance status, with pay uncertain.
  • Marisa Taylor, Tech Culture
    Missing work periodically, looking for a new job.
  • Sean Wolfe, Security, Defense, Space
    Word is that Wolfe has moved from writing to a production role on a new online-video project.

Also uncertain:

  • All of the international bureaus; it's not clear whether the Herring is paying any of them.

New hire:

  • Mira Schwirtz, General News
    Mira, we at Valleywag applaud your bravery.