Brian Stelter, the wunderkind who used to blog for millionairess Laurel Touby's Mediabistro as TV Newser, was hired last month by the Business desk at the New York Times to "cover the media world." When the hiring was announced, it also came out that Touby would enforce Stelter's non-compete clause, and so he's not allowed to write about cable news in blog form for six months. Covering "the media world" is a pretty broad beat—it could mean anything, really! So we wonder how Times TV alter kocker Bill Carter feels about Stelter's maiden effort today. At first glance, it seems like Stelter's treading awfully close to Carter's turf!

Stelter's first piece is about the popularity of the Game Show Network, and how the network has also used various online applications to expand its viewers' experience. Now, there are a few reasons why this wouldn't have been a Bill Carter piece in the first place. Let's go over them! 1) It's not a meh piece about HBO. 2) It's not a palsy piece about NBC and/or Ben Silverman. 3) It hasn't already been written about in the LA Times or the Wall Street Journal. But that doesn't mean that Carter's not reading it and shaking his fist at the young upstart. Good thing they got Stelter to agree to be in the intermediate reporter program! After all, as some people know too well, one wrong look at Carter and Stelter will be outta there faster than you can say "God these upfronts are dull, but such a great time to take old network friends out for beers."

Old Game Show Network Reinvents Itself With Interactivity [NYT]
TV Newser Stelter Joins NYTimes [Romenesko]