Inside Last Night's Lohan-Haunted 'I Know Who Killed Me' Screening

As we all undoubtedly realize, the tragic, coke-in-someone-else's-pants-related events of early Tuesday morning created certain challenges for the people behind I Know Who Killed Me, the Lindsay Lohan vehicle opening tomorrow that will henceforth be associated with her most spectacular meltdown to date. Still, the cast and crew soldiered on last night at a private premiere screening, refusing to be defeated by circumstances outside of their control. The Defamer Special Correspondent On Well, It's Not Like We Can Just Burn All the Film and Pretend This Never Happened filed this report on the event: [warning: some spoilers ahead]
Tagged along with a friend of mine to the I Know Who Killed Me screening at the Academy in Beverly Hills last night. Co stars Neil McDonough and Julia Ormond were in attendance, but the star of the show (LILO—you may have read about her lately) was noticeably absent. As the movie begins, producer Frank Mancuso Jr. gets up and says the requisite "thanks for coming" and "thanks for all your hard work" and then goes there by saying that we've "seen things on this movie we never thought we would see in this town" and that after Lindsay's "most recent problem" they considered not even having this screening.
But like the brave soldiers they are, they refused to be "held hostage by someone else's issues" because it would not be fair to the people who did the majority of the work on this movie.
Also, in the scene where Lindsay gets hit in the face with a shovel— a scene meant to be terrifying—the audience erupted into laughter. Another not-funny-but-funny moment: when Lilo's stripper character who may or may not be suffering from a split personality is being questioned by cops, she refers to her mother as "a crackwhore, disgusting, pathetic"...ouch Dina! The line was received by riotous laughter.
At the very least, it's nice to see that even those collaterally damaged by Lohan's latest personal trainwreck can gather together and break some of the crushing tension surrounding the film's imminent, controversy-plagued release by sharing some inappropriate laughter at their star's expense. The healing, it seems, has already begun.
- Previously: Lindsay Lohan: Unwitting Wearer Of Mystery Coke-Pants? [Defamer]