New York Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno continues to pound away at Eliot Spitzer, raising the possibility that the Senate may compel the governor to testify in one of the multiple investigations called for by Bruno over whether or not the governor's office improperly used the state police to track Bruno's questionable air travel. Good luck, says a spokesman for the governor, casting doubt on the Senate's constitutional authority to investigate internal executive affairs.

Spitzer himself sat down with the Daily News and repeated his claims that he knew nothing about his staff's investigation of Bruno: he didn't know they were doing it, he didn't know people were asking about it, he wasn't even sure who "Joe Bruno" was until just a couple of weeks ago, etc. The best analysis of the entire saga so far comes from a "smart friend" of Ben Smith's: "It seems to me the unspoken story here is that if the Spitzer people had given the records to [New York Post State Editor Fred U.] Dicker instead of the Times Union, the stories would all be about Bruno and he wouldn't be in this self-created mess. The real story is that once again Dicker has been shown to be the real power in Albany."