On the second day after the release of a report from Attorney General Andrew Cuomo's office revealing that staffers working for Governor Eliot Spitzer aggressively attempted to discredit Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno, the stories keep coming. The governor was in Buffalo yesterday, where he couldn't avoid questions about the report. "All I can do is get back to business and that's what I am doing," he said. Meanwhile!

  • "Two of Gov. Eliot Spitzer's top staff members refused requests from the attorney general's office that they submit to interviews in the investigation of the administration's use of the State Police to tarnish a political rival." Notes the Post, "Because the probe of Spitzer was noncriminal, Cuomo's investigators did not have subpoena power to compel testimony."[NYT]
  • State Democrats aren't exactly lining up to support the governor. "The reluctance of Democrats to stand with Mr. Spitzer partly has to do with a fear of being associated with a dirty-tricks scandal involving the politicization of the state police force. Democrats interviewed said they are waiting to see if other allegations against the administration emerge that implicate other people in his administration." [NYS]
  • The Post looks at the Albany Times Union, the paper that went after Bruno's travel records in the first place, quite possibly at the behest of the administration. [NYP]
  • The Observer says it's Andrew Cuomo's moment: "Mr. Cuomo—who once had a reputation as a shameless self-promoter—has won positive reviews for his style since arriving in office. He has largely kept himself out of the public eye, emerging only to announce the positive results of some investigation (most notably in the case of a student loan scandal that garnered national attention) or to declare a lawsuit against some designated public villain. Or, as was the case this week, to deliver a swift and devastating blow to Eliot Spitzer." [NYO]
  • Great, overlooked point from Times columnist Jim Dwyer: "No one — including the attorney general — is volunteering to document how many thousands of dollars, and hundreds of hours of state police time, are used to carry politicians to events that are strictly party politics. 'Whatever facts we had are in the report, which speaks for itself,' a spokesman for Mr. Cuomo said." [NYT]
    [Image: Getty]