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  • Bancrofts meet to discuss the Murdoch bid for Dow Jones: Meeting "productive," family still unsure whether to sell the company to Rupert Murdoch. [Reuters]
  • Dow Jones decision likely this week: Meeting "productive," family still unsure whether to sell the company to Rupert Murdoch. [Guardian]
  • Family Talks on a Sale of Dow Jones Are Called 'Not Acrimonious': Meeting "productive," family still unsure whether to sell the company to Rupert Murdoch. Also, how great is this headline? [NYT]
  • Dow Jones family reaches crossroad: Meeting "productive," etc. Best bit: "Christopher Bancroft arrived in a fishing cap that said 'Bite Me' with a piece of luggage draped over each shoulder." [Boston Globe]
  • New Opposition Arises to Dow Jones Deal: "Jane MacElree, a family trustee who votes shares totaling about 15% of Dow Jones's total shareholder power, made it clear to the family she was in the anti-Murdoch camp... Her decision could put her at odds with some of her seven children, who support the deal." [WSJ]