Meghan O'Rourke And James Surowiecki Win Forever

Every week, Intern Alexis tallies up the points earned by couples vainglorious enough (or Times-employed enough! Awww!) to have little biographical blurbs about themselves in the Styles section. This week, Slate literary editor, Paris Review poetry editor and lauded poet Meghan O'Rourke and New Yorker staffer James Surowieki totally won. How could they not? You can all stop dating now!

Meghan O'Rourke and James Surowiecki: 818 points
Meghan is the literary editor at Slate and a poetry editor the Paris Review: +400
She graduated magna cum laude from Yale: +4
She received an MFA from Warren Wilson: +1
Her parents are "of Easton, Connecticut": +1
Her parents run the "St. Ann's of the north," The Pierrepont School: +3
James is over 35: -1
Meghan is keeping her name: -1
James is a staff member of the New Yorker: +3
Both couples, at one point, worked at the New Yorker: +2
Combined, the couple has authored two books that we have heard of: +400
James graduated with highest honors and highest distinction from UNC at Chapel Hill: +3
His parents are "of Cheshire, CT": +1
James' father is the principal of St. Marin de Porres Academy in Hamden; as mentioned, Meghan's mother is the head of school at Pierrepont. For both bride and groom having principal parents: +2