• The Bancroft clan gathers today in Boston to discuss whether or not to accept Rupert Murdoch's offer for Dow Jones. "Assuming that all the shareholders outside the Bancroft and Ottaway families favor selling, less than one-third of the Bancroft family's vote is needed to gain majority approval for the deal." [NYT]
  • Meet the Bancrofts all over again. [A.P.]
  • Folks on the business side of the Wall Street Journal think an acquisition by Murdoch will actually help the paper. [AdAge]
  • The real reason behind Murdoch's desire for Dow Jones: it's another entry point to Asia. [Guardian]
  • Say what you will about Murdoch, he's a canny predator who knows when to pounce. [AdAge]
  • Barron's, a forgotten jewel in the Dow Jones crown, will probably remain unscathed in the takeover. [NYT]
  • The potential sale is part of a larger trend: Family-owned businesses worldwide are preferring to take the cash rather than sit on their assets. [FT]
  • Who will succeed Times of London editor Robert Thomson, if, as expected, Murdoch brings him on to oversee the Journal? [Independent]
  • Please don't sell my company to that bad man, burbles Dow Jones union president. [Salon]