What's Jason Goldberg hiding?

No sooner had we gotten a tip about the YouTube video of Jobster's brainstorming session than the video was taken down. Luckily, informants reported on the contents — and I can totally understand why Jason Goldberg, CEO of the troubled recruiting website, thought better of leaving up what he now tells Valleywag is "an early unedited version."
The video showed a meeting at Jobster where Goldberg and some of his employees are trying to come up with ways to promote the careers site's new Facebook application. It rapidly digresses into Goldberg demanding that his underlings perform the famous orgasm scene from the movie "When Harry Met Sally": "Oh, oh, oh ... Jobster!" But we think the deadliest bit came near the end where the quick-tempered Goldberg appears to change his mind on the whole project and declares, "Facebook is so yesterday." We call that projecting, Jason.