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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often. Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and tell everyone about the time you finally saw Entourage's Lloyd ascend to rightful player status, holding court among throngs of adoring Gays.

In today's episode: Al Pacino; Lindsay Lohan; Jeff Goldblum; Jason Schwartzman, Illeana Douglas, Talia Shire, Roman Coppola, Robert Schwartzman, Kelly Osbourne, Busy Phillips; Josh Duhamel, Fergie, Jerry O'Connell, Rebecca Romijn, and Emmy Rossum; Cameron Crowe and Nancy Wilson; Paul Reubens; Vincent Gallo; Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Greg Grunberg; Serena Williams; Fred Willard; Jeremy Sisto, Eric Michael Cole, and James Kimo Wills; Rex Lee; Bryan Greenberg; Ian Ziering; Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown; Lisa Edelstein and Bingo the Dachshund.

· During late rush hour today (7-18), I and two friends were going east on Wilshire nearing La Cienega and I noticed this tousle-haired, slightly stooped guy standing in front of a restaurant. I could only see him from behind at first, but something about him made me keep looking at him. I thought he might be a homeless guy or something, and then as I passed him and looked back... and saw that it was none other than Al Pacino himself, talking on his cell phone. I don't really get starstruck, but there's really no actor that I'd rather spot. I told my traveling companions who I'd just seen, and they pulled over and walked back to get a glimpse. By that time he had sat down at one of the outdoor tables, and my friends reported that he was sitting with two attractive young women. I mean, Al Pacino, come on. Seriously.

· Tuesday, July 17th, I saw Lindsay Lohan at the Mel's Diner on Sunset at around midnight. She had two people sitting across from her, neither of them recognizable. She kept glancing at the door and at the paparazzi outside. It was like the end of the Sopranos, only without Journey power ballads and critical acclaim. I almost fell out of my booth trying to see her ankles - I didn't see any alcohol monitoring anklet. Maybe it's invisible.

· On Sunday morning (7-15) I saw Jeff Goldblum walk in and get close with our waitress at Jinky's in Hollywood. He's a tall *vernicious, **kanid. *by vernicious I mean "man" and **by kanid I mean "with long legs." She went running down the steps chasing him with an iced green tea that may potentially neutralize the PH balance of his hair which was leaking 5W-30 oil. I kid.

· At The Roxy's sold-out Rooney cd release show, Monday, July 16, scads of model types and hiptard boys everywhere the eye could see. Mixing in and out of the crowd (because the VIP section was overflowing and table seating sucks there) were:

1) Kelly Osbourne sporting a dark bob that is so much better than the pink hair of a few days ago. For the record, her skin is luminous and she is the size of any normal/non-celeb girl that you know. I would have expected her to be a fatty but she isn't at all. Small even. 2) Busy Phillips who looked really tired/sullen wearing the high-wasted mom shorts that are de rigueur and are unfortunate on any body type. Minus the shorts she looked really pretty and hung in the midst of the plebes the whole show. 3) Illeana Douglas in a short skirt looked great/hip for over 40 but had a hard time packing into the VIP section. Had to wait for people to exit before she was allowed to enter but was gracious about it. 4) Talia Shire (not surprising) in a light blue summer dress and matching cashmere button-up sweater. She looked frail but beautiful. She spent most of the night sitting up on one of the banquets rocking out as moms do. 5) Roman Coppola also not surprising but very exciting. Every time that I see him he is wearing a suit?!? Wonder if this is his attempt at the Bogdanovich ascot? Last night it was a light-colored summer suit that he accessorized with yellow-tinted sunglasses. He's lost a lot of weight and looked good/healthy. Seemed to be on a mission every time we squeezed by each other, not one for eye contact. 6) Jason Schwartzman opened for Rooney with his new solo-endeavor Coconut Records. Completely charming both while speaking and singing. Initially had on a hoodie but took it off to reveal a plain brown T, he wore his glasses the whole time. Geektastic. Rooney came out and played a few songs with him and he encouraged everyone to buy his brother's cd and to check out his new album. Pretty adorable actually (especially whilst dancing). As a side note, Rooney was really f'ing good. The set was tight and Robert Schwartzman has definitely grown up, boy ain't short on charisma (even though the rest of the band seemed comatose) and he can totally pull off the tight 70's-rocker/girl jeans.

· I just got home from the Fergie concert at the Wiltern (7/18) (hey, I'm a Rooney fan and was there for work). I was in the back, by the sound boards, where I had a terrific view of Josh Duhamel (of course) who was hanging out with adorable and super newlywed-esque couple Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell who were all lovely-dovey and super cute, dancing and singing along all set right next to us. Emmy Rossum was also by us, just down a ways, standing with a nerdier Zach Braff-type, but she was singing along and dancing the whole time as well.

· Spotted at the Ryan Adams show at the Wilshire Theatre last night (7/19): Cameron Crowe and Nancy Wilson, Jason Schwartzman. I'm too tired to make a pithy comment about Schwartzman's height.

· This is now the second time I've seen Paul Reubens at the Hungry Cat (Tues. 7/17). Either coincidence, or he really likes seafood and fresh juice cocktails.

· 7-18 Vincent Gallo @ Carnie's He was eating alone, bellbottom jeans, ate a burger and fries quickly, kept checking out my girlfriend (course she kept looking at him too); when he was done drove off in a Grandpa style burgundy Lincoln Continental (luxury cars that shift themselves...though not a Cadillac).

· Just got home from Dodgers v. Mets game. A friend managed to wrangle "Dugout Club" seats and we were right in front of Greg Grunberg (the sort of chubby one from "Heroes"). He was with 2 little kids who elbowed their way into a foul ball - I assume at least one of them was his. He was very gracious when the chicks next to him asked for his autograph. He was wearing what looked to be a promotional Blue Man Group windbreaker. Wtf? They left after like the 5th inning.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was in the section next to us. He rejected my friend's request for an autograph by saying "I can't do that right now" but seemed nice enough. And so tall his legs were all out in the aisle.

Also, Dodgers lost.

· Two extremely random sightings this week. On Tuesday night, I was getting my Churro fix in Westwood Village when who should I see running from their white SUV into Sansai but Serena Williams. She looked good in jeans & a hoodie, but she had something on her wrist (tennis injury maybe?). She also looked to be in between hairstyles (if you know what I mean). Second time I've seen her in the Village. Maybe she works out at the Equinox?

Second, completely random sighting: driving down Washington Blvd in downtown Culver City last night and who should cross in front of our car but Fred Willard. I tried desperately to explain to my mum & sis who he was, but I could not think of the name of a single character he's played, only the movies themselves. Strangely enough I did not have to IMDB him (but I did anyway to confirm). It was dark, but he looked good.

· Cousin got married on Catalina over the weekend and I had a privacywatch cable movie trifecta. On the boat back to LB was Jeremy Sisto, the guy from Gia (Eric Michael Cole per imdb), and the Stu from Tao of Steve (James Kimo Wills per imdb) with a bunch of other dirty dudes. They were all pretty smelly and loud. I was the only one on the boat that knew we were in the presence of a trifecta; everyone else only recognized the Sisto one-fecta .

· Sunday, July 15th. Flying back from a wedding in Pittsburgh (yes, Pittsburgh), I saw Rex Lee (aka, "Lloyd!!" from Entourage) sauntering around the airport, obviously waiting for a flight. I thought I might see him on my flight back to LA, but he was nowhere to be found. What was he doing in the Pittsburgh airport at 7:30am? Odd. He's even shorter than you expect.

Same day, upon returning to LA, I had brunch at Doughboys on Highland. Sat outside near the hostess station, and Emmy Rossum popped around the corner to ask for a waiter, as they'd been sitting for some time without service. Her smile barely disguised her annoyance.

· Spotted Rex Lee, Lloyd of "Entourage", attending a film at the Showcase theater on Tuesday (July 17) as part of Outfest. Looks exactly like he does on TV and in this film festival crowd, a popular guy!

· Bryan Greenberg, that dude from the movie where Uma Thurman wants to knit his cock a hat, at 101 Coffee Shop, Thursday, July 19, 9 p.m. I did not want to knit his cock a hat.

· On Saturday night July 14 I saw Ian Ziering at Ritual. The guy is in his mid-40s and I always see him at the clubs and always with a nasty plastic bimbo. He didn't disappoint. He was with a butter-faced blond and looked like a sweaty mess. Brandon would be so disappointed

· July 16th, Monday Night on the Strip. Just before the Thailand/Happy Hollows show at the Viper Room, I stopped to get some pizza at Panini's across the street. While I waited to order, some nice-looking woman in her thirties walked right by me in a huff. Just as I blurted "I think that was Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown", I noticed an Eddie Murphy movie playing on their big-screen tv. He had the nappy short dreads thing going on—so one of the Doctor Doolittle epics? Bad memories for S.S., I guess. She looked a little better than she has in recent pics. Well-dressed, but not going for "hot". Pretty enough for her next back-up dancer/paramour, though.

· Saturday 14th- Lisa Edelstein (Dr Cuddy on House M.D.) at the Weinerschnitzel Weinerdog Races at the Los Alamitos Racetrack. Dressed in a miniskirt and cowboy boots cheering on "Bingo" with other assorted Silverlake hipster types. Yes, in Orange County.