
As Eater mentions, plutocrat magazine Departures recently ran a story on burgers in which it is written "Los Angeles burger haven In-N-Out is rumored to be planning a New York debut, but burgers have already taken the city by storm." Never has an independent introductory clause packed such a punch. Calls to In-N-Out corporate HQ weren't returned so we turned for guidance to In-N-Out's favorite book, the Bible.
We find ample confirmation in Jeremiah 17:19, which sayeth:
This is what the LORD said to me: "Go and stand at the gate of the people, through which the kings of Judah go in and out; stand also at all the other gates of Jerusalem. Say to them, 'Hear the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah and all people of Judah and everyone living in Jerusalem who come through these gates.
Okay, so look for an In-N-Out to pop up either the base of the Holland Tunnel or the George Washington Bridge.