DJ Samantha Ronson was accused of planting drugs in Lindsay Lohan's car, thereby setting her up for a sting by the paparazzi. (Please, like she would do her girl Lindsay like that!) Ronson's pissed, and suing paparazzi agency Sunset Photo, photo agency owner Jill Ishkanian (whose agency is currently under investigation by the FBI for hacking into US Weekly's computer system), and our highly trafficked friend Perez Hilton. Here's the info; more details as they come in.

Plaintiffs: Samantha Ronson Defendants: Sunset Photo and News, LLC; Jill Ishkanian; Mario Lavandeira dba Perez Hilton Court Name: Los Angeles Superior Court Central District, California Case Number: BC374174 Filing Date: 7/13/2007 Summary: Libel. Plaintiff was falsely accused of planting drugs in Lindsay Lohan's car and setting her up for photographers. Local Plaintiff Lawyer: Bruce Friedman Local Plaintiff Firm: Bingham, McCutchen