On Fridays, the offices of Vanity Fair are usually ghostly quiet—technically, the magazine has "summer Fridays," that rapidly disappearing vestige of publishing genteelism that assumed that everyone needed to beat the traffic on the LIE every week. (Does your company/magazine still have summer Fridays, btw? Please do let us know.) Anyway, most VF editors manage to wriggle out of coming into the office at all on Fridays; they simply let their assistants know that they'll be "working" from Southampton. But not this weekend!

In order to close the next issue, nearly all staffers were ordered to come into the office tomorrow to help close the issue. Now! This is not, in itself, unusual for a magazine; most publications put in late nights and weekends to close their issues. But Vanity Fair is usually a special case (it would seem to have to be, with that bloated masthead!), and the close usually runs like a well-oiled machine. Not this time, though! The edict has gone out, and the staff will be showing up. Maybe even Graydon, akimbo hair and all!