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More than one person has described TechCrunch's Michael Arrington to me as "touchy." Which is putting it mildly. Try "hypersensitive." Or "thin-skinned." Or "prickly." The latest example? Arrington recently posted about the naming of three people to the advisory panel of TechCrunch20, his upcoming startup conference: French blogger Loic Le Meur, angel investor Ron Conway, and Sarah Lacy. The panelists, unexpectedly, proved controversial — and Arrington, predictably, overreacted.Commenters on TechCrunch started attacking Le Meur's politics and the conflict of interest faced by Conway, who might find himself judging startups that compete with companies in his portfolio. (No one, as far as we know, wrote anything bad about Lacy, so we will: Why on earth is the savvy former BusinessWeek reporter subjecting herself to Arrington's caprices?) Arrington first started deleting the critical comments — and then yanked the post itself. Chalk it up as another example of the startup critic who can dish it out, but can't take it.