New York Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and his right-hand woman, Times Co. CEO Janet Robinson, sent out a memo this afternoon to let everyone know they're re-establishing the "Diversity Advisory Council" at the paper. Sounds to us like someone in the newsroom complained, doesn't it? Also, there are going to be "Employee Affinity Groups" for "the common interests of women, those of African, Asian, or Latino heritage and the LGBT community." Not a member of one of those groups? Don't worry; they're "open to all employees." The full memo after the jump.

Dear Colleague,

"Great organizations thrive and grow on a diversity of thought and ideas."

The New York Times Company has long operated under this philosophy - in fact, one of our Rules of the Road calls for us to champion diversity and inclusion. To ensure that we remain true to this vision, we are
re-establishing The New York Times Company Diversity Advisory Council and introducing employee affinity groups.

The Diversity Advisory Council

The council is comprised of representatives from a cross-section of news and business units and sponsored by Arthur and David Norton, senior vice president, human resources. It will further advance the good work started by the 2004 Diversity Advisory Council by re-energizing our commitment and driving efforts throughout our organization in coordination with local diversity and inclusion councils. Click here * to meet the employees are who playing key leadership roles in the Diversity Advisory

Employee Affinity Groups

The employee affinity groups center on the common interests of women, those of African, Asian, or Latino heritage and the LGBT community and are open to all employees. At this time, these networks are based in New York to serve employees located there. However, the Company is developing a template to encourage the formation of similar groups at other locations around our organization. Click here * to meet the employees who are launching these
valuable networks.

As the year progresses, you will hear more about our diversity and inclusion programs, as well as events at your location and across the Company. We encourage you to take advantage of these opportunities so that you can continue to develop professionally and enhance your network in the Company while helping to strengthen our shared commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Arthur and Janet