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Great news for those whose lives have felt a little empty ever since Sex and the City's cast members collectively miscalculated their career prospects back in 2004 and left the warm, protective bosom of premium cable to suckle at the unforgiving teat of the big screen: HBO and New Line have finally bought off all four of the SATC gals, allowing them to move forward with the long-gestating feature version of their beloved TV series. Var reports on how holdout Kim Cattrall was convinced to join the reunion:

The pic got close to happening about two years ago, but progress halted when Cattrall backed away.

She wanted script control and a salary close to that of Parker, who was more highly paid than the others because she was co-executive producer of the series. Whatever tensions existed are gone now, sources said. Cattrall has a deal she's happy with, one the sources said gives her input on her scenes, a fat salary and a future series deal with HBO.

How exactly director/writer/series EP Michael Patrick King will tackle the challenge of adapting the foursome's fabulous adventures into a feature-length treatment remains to be seen, but if the project's working title is to be trusted, Sex and the City: Expensive Shoes and Horny, Aging Ladies will deliver all the Choo-porn and hotflash-fueled fucking fans of the show can handle.