As the folks over at CBS's Public Eye note, summer is the season of the list. (The article functions as a collection of lists itself, which is probably intentional.) Why is this the case? Well, nothing happens between Memorial Day and Labor Day, and lazy journalists need to fill space. This problem also affects bloggers, who are even lazier than journalists. Inspired by Jon Friedman's contribution to the genre ("The biggest media stories of 2007 are..."), we decided to make another list of our own biggest stories this year, as judged by another special correspondent. She's very moody and capricious and opinionated! You could even say lippy!

The Best Posts of 2007, Thus Far
Judged by:
My Vagina

'Times': Ladies Love Their Menses: "What can I say? I get a little self-absorbed sometimes. You could even say superabsorbed!"

It's That Time of the Month: "I like the phrase 'woo-woo ladyscience.' Also the concept!"

Surprise Layoffs: We Are All Petty Bilious Girls: "Yeah, this one was ALL me."

'New York' Sex Issue Promotes Celibacy "Oh, this was the one where I shriveled up and fell out of Emily's body. Good times!"

Cruising For Sex: The Soho Library: "God, those pants are tight. Man, I wish that dude was straight."