"Oh yeah, baby, it's all downhill from here. ;) i do hope i can stick with tv. writing is far too much effort ;)" asserted Julia Allison back in March, when she was fired amicably separated from her job as AM New York's online dating advice columnist. Maybe she's been reading The Secret, because it seems like Julia just got her wish! She'll be Star's new Editor at Large, a position that really plays to her "strengths:" "She won't be editing or writing, but she will be appearing as a talking expert whenever TV comes calling for someone to go on air to comment on the latest celebrity gossip or scandal." Congratulations, Julia! We knew you when, and for some reason we still know you now. As for those "wondering why Star actually needs a permanent full-time TV person, since Editorial Director Bonnie Fuller relinquished day-to-day control at Star to Candace Trunzo and seems to have more time on her hands these days," we'd meekly posit that maybe it's because Bonnie Fuller doesn't have an ass on which you can bounce a quarter.

Star is Born [NYP]