You know how all those long newspaper stories about Rupert Murdoch never say where he is at any given moment? It's because, like Barry Diller, he's always on a boat—and because no one who doesn't already know where they are doesn't need to know. Mr. Murdoch arrived to meet his boat on the French Riviera on the 17th, to attend the Scientology wedding of James Packer and Erica Baxter at the Hotel du Cap Eden Roc. (Actually, they had to marry off-shore, because they hadn't been in France for a month and that's the law there.) Hey, small world! You know who just got back from Nice yesterday? New York Observer publisher Jared Kushner and his friend Ivanka Trump!

Jared and Ivanka flew back to JFK on Monday morning. But they didn't sit together. Ivanka sat in business, and Jared and his tall frame were stuffed back in coach. Ouch. For reading material, he caught up on his own paper (huh!) as well as the FT and the new Michael Chabon book.

What was Jared doing in France? He was there "to go around a friend's boat." Aww. They're friends!

At least Ivanka came back to steerage to say hi to Jared—but only once. They met up in baggage claim, where they shared a cart. (Romantic!) "She has ugly purple luggage," says our top-notch spy.

You know the thing about big boats? They're boring to be on alone. (That's why if you need to find Anderson Cooper in an off-week, page Barry Diller's office.) Murdoch sold his big boat Morning Glory in 1999—even though he married Wendi Deng on it!—and now bops about in the 183-foot sailboat Rosehearty, which is not to be confused with his North Shore Long Island manse of the same name. The house is for sale; the boat presumably not. Meanwhile, presumably Rupert spent some time actually in the office while the staff took Rosehearty over to Europe from its playdate in St. Bart's back in April.