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In a suspiciously incomprehensible promotional performance that recalls Paula Abdul's finest, power-napping junket work on behalf of American Idol, hunky TV doctor and former Full House "cool uncle" John Stamos slurred his way through an ER press appearance in Australia yesterday. The Daily Telegraph reports that the actor and his publicist jointly ascribed his inability to clearly articulate his thoughts on his still-vital relationship with the Olsen Twins to a brain-clouding cocktail of coffee abuse and jetlag, an explanation the paper cynically dismisses by noting that Stamos has "been in Sydney since Thursday." Through the magic of the internets, a worldwide system of info-tunnels through which images of a famous person's every misstep can be instantly disseminated, you can enjoy a clip of the interview, deciding for yourself whether the flack's diagnosis of Stamos's rare Delayed, Caffeine-Enhanced Time Zone Readjustment Syndrome is a valid one.