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With the ongoing incarceration and/or rehabilitation of other wildly popular, troubled starlets hampering the dissemination of breaking news about their fluid intake, we turn to Us Weekly for up-to-the-minute information on what the last free member of the Lindsay/Paris/Britney troika has been drinking, courtesy of a club manager who doesn't believe in treating the consumption of a couple of cocktails by a famous person as a shameful secret:

"She had two Jack [Daniels] and Cokes and an orange-flavored martini," Lola's manager, Sylvie Haines, tells Us Weekly, adding that "her whole visit was pretty low-key and she didn't seem drunk."

This is good news: Not only does Spears's newly demonstrated ability to enjoy three drinks without succumbing to a head-shaving fugue state reinforce her belief that her stint in Promises was unnecessary, but by the time she returned home, her blood-alcohol content was probably low enough to open the Breathalyzer-protected lock on her sons' nursery, allowing the dedicated mom to get in some quality time with the kids before heading off to bed.