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We're amazed that TMZ's war-zone-quality Star Catcher cameraman has not previously come under gunfire in the course of documenting every B-lister who passes through the entrances and hidden egresses of the city's most dangerous Hollywood hotspots, as the lawless streets between Teddy's and Hyde are littered with the bodies of paparazzi who angered the wrong Glock-packing One Tree Hill star. But while staking out the Roosevelt Hotel last night, the TMZ crew found itself in the middle of a brief firefight between an unknown assailant rolling by in a car and the hotel's wall, an eruption of violence that left one civilian injured by ricocheting debris. Mercifully, exiting Teddy's VIP Kathy Griffin was left unscathed, but police are investigating "promising" leads suggesting that either the rival, Bravo-affiliated Hey Paula Locos or the Ex-Hubby Bloods might have been behind the shooting.