Everything's Going Rupert Murdoch's Way

If Rupert Murdoch agrees to the Bancroft family's plans for editorial independence at Dow Jones, the family will tell the board to begin negotiations. Then, a year down the road when Murdoch breaks his promise and remakes the Wall Street Journal, the Bancrofts can say, "Hey, at least we tried," from the decks of their yachts. Everyone wins! Meanwhile, back at the Journal, new Managing Editor Marcus Brauchli is busy rearranging the deck chairs—including stripping a few "rising stars" of their titles. If anyone understands the agenda behind it all, get in touch with us, because we don't get it. In any event—don't get too comfortable, anyone!
Bancrofts Warm to Murdoch's Offer [WaPo]
Editorial Reorganization At Wall Street Journal Looms [BW]
[Image: A.P.]