• Tina-lauding reached new heights at Tina Brown's book party, but Isaac Mizrahi's compliment takes the lo-cal cake: "She's like a role model for me right now because she's so thin. I mean, not that she was ever big, but you know she's kind of at that crucial moment, where she could go one way or the other and she kind of looks amazing. So that's a real inspiration for all of us." Thinspiration! [NYO]
  • Kevin Federline may be spawning again with the mama of his first two babies, hyperfertile 'actress' Shar Jackson. [Cindy]
  • Dina Lohan and pup were no-shows at a charity doggie fashion show, prompting an organizer to announce that Dina's dog had OD'd "on Frontline." Heh! [Page Six]
  • Eminem is still mining his dalliance with Mariah Carey for material. [Gatecrasher]
  • Cloris Leachman was passed over for a part in the Broadway production of Young Frankenstein by Mel Brooks, who is her same age. [Ed. Note: CLORIS LEACHMAN IS A GODDESS. THAT IS ALL.] [Page Six]