Hilton Home-ImprisonmentWatch: Paris On Her Way To Court, Probably

The listening devices that Paris Hilton monitoring firm TMZ.com implanted deep within the sporadically imprisoned heiress are paying dividends this morning, as the site has been able to track on an almost minute-to-minute basis a battle between the judge and Hilton's attorney's over whether the heiress's brittle psychological state can withstand her physical appearance in court. It seems that Hilton will not be allowed to text in her statement by Sidekick (jail made me so :( i cld hurt myself. send cupcakes! lol) from the comfort of her home, and a van has been dispatched to collect her for the hearing (and gruesome tug-of-war) that's about to get underway. If you find this barrage of information a little too complicated to follow, we recommend you visit IsParisInJailRightNow.com, the most useful tool for keeping up-to-date on where Hilton will be serving the remainder of her sentence.