A tipster reports that Graydon Carter recently requested that staffers make him a MySpace page. Folks at the magazine, however, claim it's a prank. Which makes sense, because does Graydon Carter know what the Internet is? Yeah, he sort of does, but only in vague terms. Sort of like a manatee explaining shellfish reproduction! So we wondered whether we would finally learn the secrets of the man with the famously akimbo hair. Would he have a photo of himself in his trademark double-breasted blue blazer with the shiny gold buttons? And what, pray tell, would his general interests be?

Well! He is, indeed, wearing the blue blazer in one of his photos, and his hair is doing something pretty interesting, but this is what he had to say in the "About Me" section. Which made us think it was a prank. Then we thought, maybe it's actually not a prank, and therefore genius?

Hello cyber world, my name is Graydon Carter and I used to be really good-looking. Hailing from Canada, I currently grace the streets of New York with my presence. I have called New York home for many years now. After graduating from Carleton University I came to Gotham City to write for Time and Life Magazines. I then founded Spy Magazine and invested an incredible amount of time... learning and perfecting my editing skills and social network. In the early 90s I served as the Editor for the New York Observer, which led me to my current position as Editor in Chief of Vanity Fair, a Conde Nast Publication. I also own a restaurant in the village called the Waverly Inn. Stay tuned for more updates, I have to get the hang of this myspace thing. PS My web savvy assistant is getting a bonus for creating this site :)

Also, his body type is described as "more to love." Hmm. Why do we have the feeling that if it is actually real, his web savvy assistant will actually get fired for creating it?

Graydon Carter's Space [MySpace]