U.N. Delegates Get Cheap New Digs For Hooker Liaisons

We're constantly scheming up moneymaking plans that will get us the hell out of here; one of our recent concepts was to open up a chain of salons to which New Yorkers who live in tiny apartments with their partners could come for an hour and check into a private room in which they could cry for as long as they needed. (We expected the clientele to be mostly male, so porn would have been made available for the post-weeping session. Think about it; you've got a big box of tissues in there anyway.) Well, the Times already used the idea, at least office-wise, so we're having a hard time finding funding. Still, if you need a place to go sob to yourself for a bit this summer, consider The Tudor. From July 7 to August 26th, the Tudor City hotel (formerly known as the Crowne Plaza) will be charging $19.31 per weekend night. It's a hell of an opportunity for a wailing session. Or a meth-fueled gay sex party, your call!