Jenna Bush made an appearance at the Javits Center BookExpo yesterday, pressing the flesh and fleshing the press in advance of her debut book, "Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope." According the Daily News, "Ana's Story" will be a work of non-fiction based on Jenna's experiences working for UNICEF, and the main storyline will follow a young Panamian girl with AIDS. The Post notes that the book will be written "in novel style." Dave Eggers, meanwhile, author of "What Is the What," appears in the "Summer Reading" rec-fest in this week's New York Times Book Review, spiritedly telling everyone to read John Prendergast and Don Cheadle's "Not on Our Watch," "a guide to effecting change—in East Africa or anywhere—through grass-roots vigor and vigilance." We're not saying, we're just saying. And having just said that, we sadly draw the curtains, temporarily or even permanently, on the great misguided and totally awesome Gawker Weekend experiment. It's because we got real jobs! Thank you for reading, everyone; go outside this summer!