'Shrek' Is Furthering The Tranny Agenda, Says Conservative Blog

The Illinois Review blog (the "crossroads of the conservative community") posted a review of Shrek the Third that, despite acknowledging a positive, "pro-life" ending, still gave it a thumbs down. Their reasoning: They felt that the mannish character of Doris the Ugly Stepsister, voiced by CNN's trusted talk icon Larry King, is the byproduct of the Hollywood propaganda machine aimed at luring America's youth towards the evils of transgenderism:
Shrek's not the problem. It's the awkward inclusion of a transvestite and the uselessness of the character himself (herself?) in the story that is troubling.
Right in the midst of a warm "traditional family" setting, the film writers place a man dressed as a woman in with Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White (the good gals). The crossdressing character simply doesn't make sense, except as a ploy to desensitize children and parents to transgenders.
Well-meaning parents who plan to take their kids to see a movie that grossed $122 million in the opening weekend should be aware . . . it's the subtlety of the movie makers' agenda to desensitize that could be more harmful to your children than encouraging them to eat sugary cereals in the morning.
The creative team would likely counter this by explaining that Doris simply suffers from a rare estrogen-deficiency that gives her more masculine features, plus a predisposition towards wearing suspenders and declaring extremely mediocre movies "really terrific!" Still, we applaud the Illinois Review for boldly calling out what's clearly an insidious promotion of the Hollywood Pink Agenda—an immoral campaign for the souls of our children which won't stop until every single one is brainwashed into thinking it would be really cool to get some hormone treatments and wear gender-inappropriate clothing to school, "just like the funny man-lady in the Shrek movie did!"