Hot Chick Tipping Point

NICK DOUGLAS — Hot chicks can sell beer that tastes like water and foul-smelling body spray, and even a domain registrar. The male mind is easily sold. But the Hot Chick Tipping Point goes beyond advertising; it could be the one thing a business needs for wild success.
Scientific formula
Business + Hot Chick = Wildly Successful Business
Case Studies: The Hot Chick Tipping Point switches the polarity of male reactions, as observed in the following two case studies:
Budweiser, which it that tastes like piss water that tastes like piss:

Photos: bitte baby bitte and gbalogh on Flickr
Result: Budweiser is the world's best-selling beer.
Ron Jeremy, nicknamed "the Hedgehog" and about as sexy as one:

Photos: Ron Jeremy promo photo; Morbidthoughts on Flickr
Result: Ron Jeremy has acted in over 1900 adult films including two this year, destroying everything holy about pornography.
Hot Chick Tipping Point in Tech
Go Daddy isn't a particularly special domain registrar. It's decent, but so are plenty of others. So why is it the most used by far? Because of the Go Daddy Girl, WWE wrestler Candice Michelle.

Ha, of course, she's not the only reason Go Daddy is popular! That would be silly! There's also the sexy Super Bowl ads and the front-page endorsement by racing star Danica Patrick! is popular without the aid of hot chicks, of course. The online video stream network will still benefit from adding the hot (and intelligent, witty and creative, for what that matters) chick Justine Ezarik to their line-up; she's now broadcasting at So far, chat room chatter generally focuses on her breasts, the number of hair flips per minute, and whether she's a lesbian. On the other hand, that means the network has nailed the sweet demographic of gen-Y males.

Photos: Lane Hartwell and Scott Beale
Of course, the network still broadcasts the life of average-looking male CEO Justin Kan. (Note: at the time of writing, the camera is off Justin and pointing at a hot chick.)
Business + Hot Chick = Wildly Successful Business
Nick Douglas writes for Valleywag and Look Shiny. He was unknown until he hung out with hot chicks, at which point he blew up like a skate park made of candy.