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It brings us no pleasure to inform you that the feud between noted 9/11 conspiracy theorist Rosie O'Donnell and squeaky-voiced hawk Elisabeth Hasselbeck seems to be showing few signs of waning. (Let's take a moment to remember happier, BFF times, when the two threw back some beers and wine before hitting the opening night of Les Misérables on Broadway.) Reports Page Six:

Yesterday, Rosie's chief writer, Janette Barber, was allegedly escorted from the building after she was caught drawing moustaches on photographs of Hasselbeck that hang in the "View" studios.

The Post's Adam Buckman reports ABC confirmed in a statement only that "photographs at 'The View's' offices were defaced. Rosie O'Donnell was not in the building. ABC Legal and Human Resources are investigating the matter." Barber is an old friend of O'Donnell who worked with her years ago on "The Rosie O'Donnell Show."

It's hard to believe it's already come to this, with Rosie's "chief writer" (was the "ching chong" line Barber's, we wonder? If so, it's obvious why she keeps her around!) defacing ABC property, though thankfully being removed from the premises before she could enact the second, "Booger Bandit" phase of her guerrilla attacks on Hasselbeck's dressing room mirror. Meanwhile, an eBay auction is currently selling a portrait of the perky neocon, now mustachioed, missing a front tooth, and sporting a set of scarlet devil horns—not the original handiwork, but a potent caricature nonetheless of the villainous talk show Judas, who dared to remain silent when she should have defended O'Donnell's polar-opposite views to the rest of the world.