On June 3, a retrospective of 40 years of sculptor Richard Serra's work opens at MoMA. But first, he will be feted in traditional New York socialite-art-world style, with a fancy dinner at the home at Jo Carole Lauder (mom of Aerin, wife of Ronald, daughter-in-law of Estee!) next Tuesday, the 29th. Let's take a look at the guest list and menu!

We hear that among the confirmed RSVPs are Anna Wintour, David Remnick, Harper's Bazaar editor Glenda Bailey, Graydon Carter, Diane von Furstenberg and (weird!) Seventeen editor Ann Shoket. She certainly has moved up in the world, now hasn't she! Marc Jacobs, John Galliano, Si Newhouse, and Hearst president Cathy Black have yet to RSVP.

What's more, Mayor Bloomberg isn't coming. Guess Serra still hasn't really made peace with the city after Tilted Arc!

They will dine, we hear, on the following: Smoked salmon and trout mousse (that's fancy Gentile gefilte fish!), served with horseradish sauce and cucumber salad; roasted poussin (also known to you and me as spring chicken or Cornish hen) with orange glaze, served with sugar snap peas and pommes dauphine (fancy name for potato puffs!); and for dessert, a frozen strawberry souffle served with "spun sugar" and chocolate dipped strawberries. Seems appropriately pretentious. Cheers!