Jessica Simpson Is "Cowering From Her True Identity"

Watch your back, Atoosa Rubenstein: there's a new Alpha Kitty in town, and she's got deeper blog-thoughts and, to be perfectly honest, a nicer rack. Would you like to see the giant, shiny pearl of wisdom, gleaned from intensive journaling and "spending some time in Europe" and "reading a book about Michelangelo," that Jessica Simpson has seen fit to share with readers of her blog?
Sometimes we are all so afraid to be honest with ourselves because we know that honesty will lead us somewhere off the path of the life we've mapped out in our minds. Today, I challenge us to ask ourselves this...
What if we allow our fear to provoke us into action?
Can facing our fear be what walks us to somewhere better?
I do not have your answers, but in the quest to find my own, I've discovered somewhere worth traveling to...
In my life, I ignore my fears too often, but then I'm left with nothing to challenge the best of me. I just remain cowering from my true identity. There is no discovery.
Seriously, forget the 'Toos. Thich Nhat Hanh, Pema Chodron, Deepak Chopra and Jon Kabat Zinn are all studying this right now like "whoaaa."