Jessica Joffe and Faran Krentcil Administer The Look Book Coup De Grace

"I love to consume. Consuming is my specialty," says 26-year-old, $3,500 purse owning private equity associate Natasha Mitra. She is why this feature, intended to stare deep into the dark night of New York magazine's Look Book feature, exists. But in some circular, paradoxical, almost Buddhist way, she's also why this feature, after like, two years or something, has to go. Say goodbye! LATLB isn't going gentle into that good night, however! After the jump, Intern Alexis solicits the opinions of no less than Jessica Joffe, Faran Krentcil and Matthew Schneier as to what's in Natasha's Stratus bag.
Jessica Joffe
There's something very Elle Woods about Natasha. What do you think was the subject of her (video?) admissions essay?
Something wild, crazy and different: like consumption. Not the disease.
What does Natasha keep in her bag?
Her 20 other bags, of course.
What will Natasha's final business plan project be in her
Entrepreneur 101 class at Harvard Business School?
Building the largest pair of quilted sunglasses to fit into the Stratus.
Natasha's self-professed specialty is consuming. What are some of her other specialties?
Since Natasha is still pairing diffusion line D & G with collection Vuitton, I would hope that she focuses and improves on her special skill rather than squandering her talents in other 'sectors'.
There's something very Elle Woods about Natasha. What do you think was the subject of her (video?) admissions essay?
Natasha filmed herself walking in a plaid Burberry bikini to illustrate her knowledge of checks (and balances).
What does Natasha keep in her bag (hello, Faran!)?
Inside Natasha's massive bag is Natasha's midget cousin, Roy Mitra.
Roy is a Rhodes Scholar from Wisconsin. He is 3'4 and curls up easily in that huge Vuitton.
Roy's mother promised that if he hid inside Natasha's bag and whispered answers while she took her GMAT, Natasha would get him into Butter on a Monday night...
What will Natasha's final business plan project be in her Entrepreneur
101 class at Harvard Business School?
Alas, Natasha will drop out of Harvard Business School to start her own nail polish company, Womanicure. They only make pink colors, which are named for characters on The Hills. She'll make millions.
Natasha's self-professed specialty is consuming. What are some of her other specialties?
At 1 pm every Sunday, Natasha performs a monologue at Essex House during brunch. It is called "why men are intimidated by my accessories." It lasts the length of a Slimfast and two Diet Cokes, and ends when Roy climbs out of Natasha's bag to ask Natasha's brunch partner — a blonde iBanker named Ginny who wears Gucci sunglasses as a headband — on a date.
Ginny says no, and then the monologue continues — until Dana Vachon walks into the restaurant, and suddenly, Natasha falls silent...
Matthew Schneier
There's something very Elle Woods about Natasha. What do you think was the subject of her (video?) admissions essay?
Judge for yourself:
What does Natasha keep in her bag?
A Lexus.
What will Natasha's final business plan project be in her Entrepreneur 101 class at Harvard Business School?
It's a sad day here in Gawkerland as the last-ever Looking at the Look Book comes to a drowsy close. And sadder still for me, who created a mini-cottage industry of relentless LB commenting — 7 times at last count! Since Natasha is likely too busy consuming to think entrepreneurially, I want to offer her my newly-available services. Surely there's some business plan we can coauthor that will speak both to her needs (reserving couture pre-season; accessory maintenance; private equity management) and my talents (obeisance; wordplay; napping). I'm half-asleep with excitement about this new venture! Natasha, call me!
Natasha's self-professed specialty is consuming. What are some of her other specialties?
Christian charity, humility, and poverty. Just kidding, of course. Who needs other talents when you've got consuming?