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As Grey's Anatomy star and Advocate coverboy T.R. Knight gradually morphs into the New Face of Hollywood Gay Pride—less rainbow Spandex and Mardi Gras beads, more begrudging acknowledgments of one's predisposition towards men and appearances on Ellen to tattle on one's homorageoholic co-star—the actor's fate on the series that made him famous is still up in the air. Asked by Access Hollywood if his contract has been renewed, Knight said:

"I literally don't know...It would be nice to know if I'm supposed to report back soon." [...]

"If you're supposed to report back to work in a month and a half, I would really like to know that," he remarked, adding, "because I would like to know if I can shave my head."

As Shonda Rhymes and ABC brass drag their feet over the character's fate—an indecision that has direct and dire consequences on Knight's plans for a low-maintenance summer hairdo—we're suddenly left wondering if perhaps this is the last we've seen of sensitive Dr. George O'Malley. Should T.R. end up ejected from Grey's' dysfunctional workplace family, it could mean his darkest, post-closet fears were justified, forcing him out of hetero network roles and into the dreaded gay-actor ghetto of theater and Logo dramas, on sets where pink F-bombs fly out of sassy co-stars' mouths with much greater frequency.