Travesty of publishing alert: Victoria "Posh Spice" Beckham's book of beauty tips was only published in the UK, not in our country! We can't imagine why no one thinks her Britland-specific shopping recommendations and idiosyncratic locutions ("Jeans are the obvious place to start. They have become not just the backbone but the spinal cord, ribcage, and for some of us, the whole skeleton of a woman's wardrobe") won't make the book a bestseller here, too. Anyway, we've gotten her advice about how to look less lardy if you've the misfortune to find yourself up the stick.

Some women really love being pregnant, and I know a lot of men find it very sexy. But, personally, though I love having kids I find the pregnancy part tricky. It certainly has not helped matters that in the past so few maternity clothes took into account what actually happens to a woman's body when she's pregnant. For a start, it's not just your tummy and boobs that get bigger but also your hips, your bottom, and often your back. Even your face can change shape and sometimes your skin tone alters so that your makeup starts to look all weird—nobody warned me about that one!

Clearly! Also: "After giving birth, I do tend just to wear tracksuits and pyjamas for six weeks." She is Just Like Us.