The Subway Platform Is An Ad Platform

94 years ago, liar H.K. McCann launched his NYC ad agency with the slogan "Truth Well Told." That was a big fat lie. Advertising copywriter Copyranter brings you instances of advertising lies and the lying liars who sell them.
Are you feeling a bit battered by the omnipresent transit advertising? Then it's time to invest in some horse blinders, because the ads are only going to get more invasive. That's right: Ads on subway floors and pillars—and motion-activated ads—are on their way. But wait! There's worse!
How invasive will it get? Let's start with the subways. The "station domination" ad assaults, like the dubious campaign for enviga that seemingly plastered the walls of half of the city's 4,000 stations, are becoming more dominating. Not only are advertisers like Target covering station walls, they're also covering station floors and even pillars. And wall projection ads that are activated by your body motion—whether you look or not—are already in Herald Square and, soon, everywhere. That creepy scene from Minority Report may become reality soon than later!
But none of that is as disturbing as the new fully-wrapped subway cars, like the one below for "Deadwood." Speaking about the wraps in the latest issue of Adweek supplement "Other Advertising," Jodi Senese of CBS Outdoor giddily burbles, "When a consumer walks in there, it's not like they just notice the ad. They're swallowed by it. It becomes a total engagement experience."

No word on whether the wrap caused an increase in swearing and gunplay.
MTA buses and bus shelters are also getting tricked out in new ad technology. Soon, many shelters will sport graffiti- and bullet-proof LCD panels, as well as those scrolling ad posters already popular in European cities. On buses, full vehicle wrap ads are already ubiquitous. But something really special is on the way for bus riders: Vinyl ad coverings for interior ceilings that distributor Titan Worldwide calls its "Michelangelo" product.
Then of course, there's the backseat video-audio screens which will be installed in all 13,000+ yellow cabs by year's end. Since the systems will come with GPS tracking, advertisers will be able to target you down to the block. Ready to watch a Christmas ad from Macy's just as you turn onto 34th Street? Or a breathy video come-on for the Penthouse Executive Club as you ride on 11th Avenue in midtown?
You love Big Brother.