Anderson Cooper,the handsomest Q-tip in the news biz, recently made the move up a few floors from his old apartment in [redacted] West 38th Street to the penthouse. The move gives the blue-eyed newspuppy more room but more importantly the chance for some interior design retail therapy. The Coopropheliac blog Freakspeaker recently posted interior mockups of Cooper's new apartment. The images are from architect and Cooper pal Andrew Kotchen. Good news for neighbors and us, there's an expansive sundeck where Cooper can watch the sunset reflected in his oiled and convex pecs, rippling down his six pack until it disappears down where the sun doesn't shine. Other points of interest, the Wiemaraner in roller skates looking out over the master bedroom (didn't he see Best in Show?) and his all-white home office/crying room/isolation center.

Anderson Cooper's Penthouse Internal Shots [Thefreakspeaker]