Lola Ogunnaike, New York Times styles and entertainment reporter, is leaving the paper to become an entertainment reporter for CNN's "American Morning." Lola got in a bit of trouble at the Times when she guest-hosted "The View." And now she's free! The in-house bulletin follows.


Lola Ogunnaike, who has brightened Sunday Styles with the skinny on clubs, celebrity DJ' and e-mail etiquette since last October, is leaving us as of this week. She has been offered, and accepted, a job as an entertainment reporter for CNN's "American Morning."

Lola has been on loan to Styles courtesy of the Culture desk — a big shout out to Sam Sifton for letting us share her talents — and, in a bittersweet coincidence, she is exiting The Times through the same door she entered. Her first bylines in the paper ran in Sunday Styles way back in 1998, when she was still an N.Y.U. student. How far she has come! We wish her the best of luck, and I'm sure many people's American Mornings will be a lot livelier.


Trip Gabriel just sent around the following note to the Styles staff. Let me add to it all the congratulations of the Culture desk, and three cheers to Lola for her great work here over the years. We'll miss her badly — even though we'll get to see her every morning.

Cheers, Sam