You know Scoop, the Manhattan boutique chain for people who have a lot of money, but not a lot of ability to think about how to put their own outfits together? Well, fans of it are in luck: many of the items available there are now also available on the Home Shopping Network. Several items, including bangle braclets, cowboy hats, and a flowy scarf, are already sold out! Says a commenter on HSN's website about that last item, "Please bring these back in the brown. I NEED one to match my dress." Settle down, lady! There are plenty more $125 crystal-studded flip flops and Poupette Printed Silk Ponchos With Rope Belts where these came from. And that's a good thing! Anything that keeps the demographic of "ladies who coming in to New York to shop on the weekends because they consider themselves just a LITTLE more classy than their Juicy-tracksuited neighbors ... but not much" at home on their Westchester couches is fine by us.