The Only F-Words T.R. Knight Wants To Talk About Is Fresh Fruit has more from the upcoming Advocate cover story featuring reluctant gay hero T.R. Knight: Pressed for his take on what we will heretofore refer to only as The Incident, the actor avoided directly attacking the actions of slur-slinging nemesis Isaiah Washington, as well as seemingly unsympathetic showrunner Shonda Rhymes, choosing instead to answer an entirely different set of innocuous questions that existed only in his own mind:
When asked if Washington had apologized to him personally, Knight initially responded, "Which time?" Then, when pressed, he said, "What a lovely blue sky."
When queried about whether Rhimes had come to him and asked what he wanted to happen, he paused thoughtfully before saying, "I like blueberries. Do you like blueberries?"
What was supposed to be a nimble deflection might ultimately end up doing Knight a disservice, as his latest revelation could once again thrust him into the role of mouthpiece for yet another disenfranchised societal subgroup: blueberry lovers. It was a truth he long kept hidden, worried it might have affected his employability in mango-obsessed Hollywood. But should Washington once again succumb to his inner, rage-filled demons, screaming, "At least I'm not your little blueberry whore like T.R.!" during an altercation with a more McDesirable castmate, at least we know that Knight is prepared to answer the call of duty.