• Will Ron Burkle make a play for AMI? Will he bid on Dennis Publishing? And would he merge his recently-acquired Primedia Enthusiast titles with those companies, particularly for AMI's distribution arm? And will he admit to (allegedly!) owning Radar? [WWD]
  • Forbes.com staffers leaving "page-view sweatshop" in droves. Sounds about right; though, you know, from inside our page-view sweatshop it doesn't look so bad. [NYO]
  • The results of that New York Times memorabilia auction. [NYO]
  • Hearst drops nearly $8 mil on building across the street from new tower. Why and why? [NYO]
  • Reuters trustees swear everything will be news as usual after their sale. Also, on the importance of journalism: "Covering the war in Iraq is so central to what oil traders need to know." Oh, we get it now. [NYT]
  • The government's star witness against Conrad Black gives difficult, seemingly unprepared testimony. [NYT]