Late last night, all of America came to a standstill as Lindsay Lohan turned up on Letterman to help promote Georgia Rule (we'll assume it was a good faith effort to make up some of the time she missed due to "exhaustion" and "immaturity"), hoping that the perpetually troubled starlet might reveal what's actually going on in those blurry News of the World bathroom stall photos.

Instead, Letterman subjected Lohan to a brief true-or-false quiz (we're a bit confused: is the buzzer meant to indicate she's lying or to reinforce her debunking of false items?) about various stories the tabloid have written about her; eventually, the subject of Paris Hilton is raised (oh, yes, the host will go there), and while Lohan claims that Hilton has never struck her in the face and thinks her ongoing legal dilemma is "terrible," she refrains from publicly throwing her support behind the Paris Liberation Front, dealing a severe blow to the movement's clemency drive.

In other Lohan-related news, mom Dina's red carpet skills apparently leave something to be desired, as Georgia Rule co-star Jane Fonda seemed annoyed by her Lindsay-centric line of questioning.