HBO, ABC Well-Represented On Weekend Police Blotters

As it turns out, Paris Hilton's late Friday sentencing to 45 days in a tragically unfashionable Lynwood jail would kick off something of a blockbuster weekend in Hollywood jurisprudence: The Smoking Gun reports (with unflattering mugshot!) that HBO CEO Chris Albrecht was arrested for suspicion of an assault against his girlfriend in the valet parking lot of Las Vegas' MGM Grand hotel following the Oscar De La Hoya/Floyd Mayweather fight on Saturday night, a physical altercation that we're sure will be explained away as nothing more than the pay cable chief getting a little carried away in excitedly demonstrating a dramatic domestic dispute that will transpire between Tony and Carmela in one of the remaining four episodes of The Sopranos. Meanwhile, back in Los Angeles, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition star Ty Pennington took a more traditional path to the police blotter (sadly, no booking photo is available) by getting popped for a DUI in West L.A. Pennington's people have already issued a public statement of apology aimed at restoring his fans' faith in their favorite primetime toolbelt model:
"I made an error in judgment. We all make mistakes, however this is about accountability. Under no circumstances should anyone consume alcohol while driving. I could have jeopardized the lives of others and I am grateful there was no accident or harm done to anyone. This was my wake-up call. I also want to apologize to my fans, ABC Television and my design team for my lapse in judgment and the embarrassment I have caused."
It was a savvy move to include Pennington's trusty design team in the mea culpa; by making sure they know he's genuinely embarrassed about letting them down, he may be able to avoid catty comments from his co-stars, who otherwise might not be able to help themselves from making "Extreme Hangover" jokes to the camera every time the host has trouble properly hammering a nail.
[Photos: TSG, Getty]