Meet Chad White. Chad's a man on a mission, a crazy dreamer who knows that if you work hard and apply some pressure, your goal can come to fruition. Chad longs for a better world: A world in which we stop referring to electronic communiqués as "e-mail." As Chad so eloquently puts it, "It's now time for the word to take its final step and become simply "email," severing its antiquated 19th-century association with mail delivered by people in blue uniforms—and signifying the ubiquity of this form of communication." A noble aspiration. But how to make it happen? Harness the power of marketing!

You can also show your support for email by signing the Email Experience Council's Hyphens Equal Disrespect petition. Just click here, let us know your name and the company you represent, and we'll add your name (just your name, not your email address) to our petition so that those in the industry and those outside it can see how we spell respect. As the number of signees grows, the EEC will use this list to demonstrate the will of the industry and to convince publishers to change their spelling of the word. Dictionaries will fall in line behind the publishers.

Will you join in Chad's crusade? Because he sees a promised land, where the sting, the burning insult, of the hyphen is but a distant memory. Let's work together and make this dream come true, people.

Hyphens Equal Disrespect [MediaPost]